
The Legend of Trollbanus: Back story

 The character name for Trollbanus came back in 2009 when I was playing world of warcraft. I was only standing in capitals and talking in trade chat and came up with an idea to just level cooking and fishing while chatting. My original idea was to call the character “Trolluranus” but I figured that the name would be flagged for a name change so I went with Troll-B-Anus, which could also be pronounced “Troll-Ban-Us”.

Later, I ended up leveling the character and as I was on an RP (roleplay), I had to come up with a character back story. So I posted a story on the wow forums about how I was an elf who was captured by Trolls and forced to kill for them. Nobody responded. Years later I was writing my first fan fiction book “Tales of Arthas” and while thinking of other fan fiction stories I could write, I remembered this character and story. I remember I was in Istanbul in the Sirinevler/Yenibosna district walking home one evening when I got the idea.

I raced home and wrote a paragraph or two about the original synopsis of the story. I had the idea of making it into a wow fan fiction animation and wrote 33 episodes before I decided to switch directions. The new idea was to write an e-book and to change it to my own story, removing any signs of World of Warcraft, replacing names and places with my own. You can still see WoW influence in the story of course but the story of Trollbanus has a different unique twist. Going from an animated youtube series to a multi-book fantasy assassin series.


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