Trollbanus character profiles
The Legend of Trollbanus
A natural troll leader. The first of his generation to successfully lead a hunt. A believing in the sword and steel over magic and shamanism.
A skilled troll assassin, well trained in the art of stealth.
One of Trollbanus’ troll friends and the only one following the path of shamanism. A bit of an outcast among his peers.
One of Gamjee’s twin sisters. Married off to another troll tribe.
The second of Gamjee’s twin sisters. Interested in becoming a stealthy troll assassin like her brother. Teaches Trollbanus the first few skills of mastering stealth.
The old shaman and leader of Teshi’s Totem. The village where Trollbanus and the other elven children are taken into captivity at. He is a strong shaman and has a deep hatred for elves and magic.
Teshi’s wife and a grand master herbalist. In her past days she was a healing shaman who spent her time trying to keep peace among troll tribes and the elves.
The only elf to survive the brutal sacrifices of elven children by the Teshi’s Totem trolls. Trained to be an assassin and is slowly accepted by the tribe.
A sleeping elf who is transformed into a monster. She is the leader of the Dar’guls or “elves of the deep”.
God of the Twisted Elves and of Elven magic. Sacrificing an illusion, also sacrifices the twisted elf inside.
The Planet/Silverlight:
The main planet where everything takes place. It contains two continents and two large bodies of water.
Lots of forests that hold the nomadic elves and the trolls. Also the home for recent uprising of twisted elves.
Teshi’s Totem:
The village where Trollbanus is taken to and then raised at. Led by a strong shaman called Teshi.
Vuzembi and Zufemzi:
Two troll villages south of Teshi’s Totem.
Spirit Pond:
The pond where Trollbanus finds her first blade and witnesses the battle between a large crocodile and tiger.
Twisted Cave:
A cave where many twisted elves dwell.
Orynaei Cave:
A cave bound by magic that holds many old relics, both of Elven and Orynaei magic.
Orynaei Magic:
White colored magic used by Elven priestesses. Found in relics, also can be used by calling upon the Orynaei God “Oryn”.
Elven Magic:
Purple colored magic used by all Elves. Using this magic too much eventually turns elves into Twisted Elves if they are in Silverlight or into demons if they are on the other side.
Green and orange colored magic used by beings able to use shamanism. The powers must be bound to an object such as a totem or a blade.
A race that lives in the north of Cuworis and on the Sanctuary peaks Island. They live in rock houses and worship a god called “Oryn”. They have two kinds of magic, Orynaei and Elven. Elven magic can cause them to turn into a Demon or a Twisted Elf. Orynaei elves have a disdain for Elves who use Elven magic too much and Elves who use Elven magic are banished to the other side and try to avoid the Orynaei elves. There are also Dar’guls or “Elves of the deep”. They are elves who used Elven magic and learned Shamanism and mixed the two together. A giant witch transformed them into sea creatures and loves the taste of Elven blood, especially from younger Elves.
A race that lives in the south of Cuworis. They live in huts and practice Shamanism. Hunting and Shamanism is very important to them.