Let me introduce myself in this first blog. My name is Seaside Sammy, and my lungs don’t tracheate properly when I’m not near water. I collapse on my face, and die shortly afterwards. Luckily, I’m still here, wandering up and down a board walk, or sandy beach; eating or drinking at a table at some cafe or restaurant nearby. Ok, my real name is Sam, and I just made up a few new words. I’m planning to do some blogging about my travels and thought I would create a catchy name for myself. My plan is to do my travels like books, with a chapter being posted each week. My first book is going to be about my life living on an oil ship as an English teacher. However, until I get that project together (I still need some illustrations) I’m just going to do travel topics.
My first topic is going to be about beaches. What a wonderful place to be, but there are so many different kinds of beaches. Each person needs their own, to match their own type of personality. A beach is more than a bunch of trees or buildings in the background, sandy particles that burn or soothe your feet and water the slides in and out.
How about this beach? Nice and sunny, the light shining in from the back and the waves rolling in from the front. Beautiful waves, refreshing colors, the ones I would love to see inside a seaside cocktail’s glass.
A beach somewhere with too many goddamn people on it
How about this beach? This is a disaster! A nightmare! Beaches weren’t supposed to look like this. Yet, I have to admit that I’ve seen worse.
A swing hanging under a tree. Looking slightly attractive.
How about this beach? Thankfully, we’re finally seeing a beach with some good options. We can sit and relax in the shade, or drink some glasses of lemonade. Later, we can stretch our limbs out and bask in the sun. Like some lonely lizards, catching the morning rays.
Welcome to break-your-neck-or-gash-your-face cove.
How about this beach? This beach looks almost perfect. The only thing I like more than walking along a beach, is climbing a mountain or hiking. What is an adventure without some danger? What is a fall without a chance to crack your neck and call out for help from a beach ranger?
Perfect beach located in heaven, (Albania)
How about this beach? Well, I would say perfect. Flawless. Amazing. Out-and-out. Consummate. What an incredible afternoon, or life you could have here. Stop and bask in the sun with a beer, or a friend near. Hop over to the right in the shade if it gets too hot. Bring two or three friends, but not anymore. Later, in the afternoon, wade and swim in the water near the shore. Mountains, trees and water. Water clearer than water is all you will find here. Miles from any tourist location, miles from the hustle and bustle of the nearest New York subway station.
Clueless dude
And how about you? What is your perfect beach and what would you do there?