Beautiful virus molecules, aren’t they colorful?
During COVID19, also known as Corona Virus, a lot of citizens are either under lock-down, or are being advised to stay indoors. Perhaps you are one of them, and are wondering what you can do to pass the time? I’ve gathered a list of 5 things, you can do that will make your life more productive while locked inside. Also, note that I am doing all 5 of these things and wouldn’t advise you to do something that I’m not doing.
1.) Exercise
Exercise is healthy for your body and also for your mental health.
Try to exercise once a day, if not more than once a day. You don’t need a bike, a gym or weights to exercise. You also don’t even need to go outside!
Every morning I pull 5 coins out of my wallet and put them on the table. Then throughout the day I work out and each time I do, I put a coin back in my wallet. I make sure to exercise at least 5 times a day. Now these are extremely short work outs that take 2-3 minutes to do.
I have two work out sessions and I rotate them each day.
Day 1: I do 40 push-ups and then I lift a 5 liter water jug 20 times. I filled one of my water jugs with tap water and I keep it in a corner and never drink it. This 5 liter jug of water can be used for a lot of different exercises.
Day 2: I do 10 sit ups, 30 bicycle crunches, 10 second leg raise (lie down, put your arms at your sides and lift your legs, then hold this position), then I do 30 ab twists (sit on the ground, put your hands together and then rotate quickly from the right and left side of your body) and then I finish it with a 30 second plank.
Both very simple and short exercise routines that anyone can do.
2.) Gain more knowledge
Einstein says imagination is more important than knowledge. That being said, it is still important.
Gain knowledge! you hear lots of people talk about knowledge all the time. There are memes about it, movies about it, as well as drunks in bars slurring words together about it.
What better time than being locked up in your house will you ever have to “gain more knowledge”?
Put that wine case or bottle of Jim Beam down, turn off whatever netflix show you are watching and get started!
Some of the simplest ways to gain knowledge:
1.) Read books
3.) Youtube videos
I personally have been looking for knowledge in two areas and I’ve even created youtube playlists where I keep most of the information.
I am planning to start investing each month this fall, so I am learning as much as I can about it. I started around February, so this playlist is a bit longer than the other one.
Space Research:
Not only do I love space in general, but I am also going to write a book series in the future, that has to do with science and outer space. I started this about 3 weeks ago. The book probably won’t get started until 2024 or 2025, but I am starting the research early.
3.) Improve or gain new skills
Skills can pay the bills.
Skills or hobbies are great things to hone or gain during this lockdown. If you have used the excuse, “I would love to do X but I don’t have time” well, now you do!
The skills I have been working on, are writing, editing, and advertising.
I am actually doing this all the time (and have been on schedule the past year or so), but I have even more time for it now. I have been testing social media advertisements, as well as writing a poem a week and editing my book that will be released late summer or early fall of this year.
4.) Create a routine
No one ever gained success by being spontaneous
With the stress of work, social obligations etc, sometimes it is hard to start a healthy lifestyle or routine. However, with no job or social opportunities, you now have the chance to start! Plan every day to get something done, then think of how you can continue this while managing friendships, work, and other things.
5.) Catch up with old friends
Talking to someone can be a great stress reliever
Sometimes, life happens and you can’t keep up with everyone. During Covid19, it can be possible to browse facebook and message those friends, 90% of which you probably just ignore. Why not send a message to one new person a day and see how they are doing? During covid19 I have skyped with a few friends and FB messaged a few as well. I haven’t done it as much as I should, but it is a start.
Stay safe and keep others safe!
Thank you for reading! Now make sure to stay safe, and protect others too. I will see you in next week’s blog :)